Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Class 1/25/2011

Noon Class at Capital today.

5 Attempts; 2 finishes. 65 pushups.

1. Push hand in setup from closed guard against Tony
2. Falling off the front from the back against Tony.
3. Overhook and wrist setup from closed guard against George.
4. Hip bump setup against George (finish).
5. Extended setup from spider against Andrew (finish).

As I'm continuing to work for nothing but triangles I'm becoming more and more familiar with what initial conditions I need in order to make them work. First and foremost, posture control has been driven home again and again. Rolling with George, I found myself isolating the head and arm only to have him posture up and out, effectively making my attempt null.

Second, I've been using the hip-check to great effect, and while combined with pulling the head down it's been working wonders. Once having a hand on the head becomes automatic, I need to start working on also turning the head and misaligning the spine.

Third, I need to be more proactive about walking my shoulders back. I struggled today since I was caught against a wall a lot, but it took a few seconds for me to think about it and I had a really hard time securing the lock as a result.

Finally, creating the angle and not burning myself out is crucial.

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