Thursday, October 7, 2010


I went to the advanced class on tuesday, and while I'm having trouble remembering a ton of specific details, I did feel as though I had a pretty good night. One of my main goals right now is to really work on having good posture, especially in guard e.g. getting my hips off the ground in closed guard, not being flat on my back in open guard, not looking down when passing etc.

I have also been working especially hard on grip breaking and denying my opponent the grips they want. During several of the rolls I focused almost entirely on stripping grips in closed guard, and I was pleased to see that I was met with great success.

My other main focus is on developing my pressure from the top, especially in terms of guard passing. Since I want to get better at the leg rope pass, I've been working especially on pinning one knee and then smashing the legs together. It just occurred to me that I need to control the hips better. I'm going to experiment with one grip on the knee and using the other hand to grab the back of the pants to control the hips.

I also picked up an important detail on the leg rope pass. I've been stepping out with the wrong leg. Rather than extending my left leg (assuming I'm passing to the left) I should extend my right leg and use the hand that is threaded through the legs to extend them and sprawl away from their hooks. I also figured out how exactly to pivot on that knee in order to free my leg from their hooks. Good stuff.

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