Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Back in Action (9/8/2010)

Back to class after a week long hiatus because of a sinus infection. I still felt somewhat wobbly tonight, but I took it super easy during my sparring rounds. During the technique portion, Jeremy showed how to...sucker punch someone. Then we also covered the basics of the RNC as well as a neck crank from having one hook on the back, and finally the twister.

First round of sparring was with a one stripe white belt who had a good number of pounds on me. We started grip fighting, but his arms were waaay extended, so I armdragged to the back, but since I only got one hook in I was in a good position to try the neck crank we learned out. He didn't give up the crank, but that caused him to leave his collar wide open and turn away so that I could slide to triple attack. I was setting up the choke, but he was tapping much earlier than I expected, so I eased off because I didn't feel as though a more obstinate person would have tapped. I secured the Roy Dean clock choke grip and walked my legs around and finished there. We reset and I swept him from butterfly guard as he overextended himself and leaned left to avoid my armdrag. From mount I slid to s-mount and worked to set up an armbar when I lost my balance and he rolled. I finished the armbar from there, this time focusing very intently on really working with the leg on his head and raising my hips as high as possible.

My second and final roll was with a three stripe white belt. I toppled him and worked to pass my guard. He played this really quite bizarre guard that I had a hard time wrapping my mind around, not because it was difficult to counter, but rather because it was easy to counter and I didn't see how it afforded him any offensive options. Essentially, he put both feet on my hips, grabbed both my collars rather low and then pulled with all of his might. I guess he was trying to stretch me out and break my posture, but since my arms were tight there wasn't really anything to prevent me from popping one of his feet off and running a knee straight up the middle. He did work well to scoot his hips away, which made pressure passing somewhat challenging. Eventually I did secure an underhook, pop my knee across his leg and hip switch out of his guard. From there, it became apparent that he follows the "abuse the face" school of side mount escape thought. It always amuses me when people are more concerned with making their partner uncomfortable than with building a solid frame. As such, he spent the next few minutes trying to either rub my neck raw with his elbow or attempting to roll me over the top by trapping my arm with his neck and torquing with both of his arms. He did unbalance me somewhat at first, but since my arm wasn't straight and my hips were low, it was a simple matter of switching my hips toward his legs and dropping my shoulder onto his face. Eventually, he tried to turn away from me, so I stepped over to mount and went for grapevine/crossface control. He continued to try and abuse my face, so I started working for armtriangles every time his elbow came up. Eventually he extended one of his arms and I went straight for triple attack. There, I found the penn state grip and took his back. I clock choked him from there, although I suspect he tapped because he was tired, as the choke felt very loose. We reset and I pulled closed guard. I only worked on controlling his posture and scooting my hips to the side. I did an ok job.

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